, Y(k)) if Y is a N-by-1 or 1-by-N array, ? W(k,i,j)=max(X(k,i,j),Y) if Y is a scalar

[. and K. Max, Returns two m-by-n matrices such that W(i,j)=max(X(:,i,j)) and W(i,j)=X(K(i,j),i,j) [W, Idx] = max (X

, ? if DIM=2 , returns two N-by-m-by-1 amat objects such that W(k,i,1)=max(X(k,i,:)) and W(k,i,1)=X(K,i

I. and J. ]-=-max-(x, 3) returns three N-by-1-by-1 amat objects such that W(k,1,1)=max(X(k,:,:)) and W(k,1,1)=X(K,I(k,1,1)

]. Idx and . =-min-(x, DIM) ? if DIM=0 , command is equivalent to [W, Idx] = min (X), ? if DIM=1 , returns two N-by-1-by-n amat objects such that W(k,1,j)=min(X(k,:,j))andW(k,1,j)=X(K

, ? if DIM=2 , returns two N-by-m-by-1 amat objects such that W(k,i,1)=min(X(k,i,:)) and W(k,i,1)=X(K,i

I. and J. ]-=-min-(x, 3) returns three N-by-1-by-1 amat objects such that W(k,1,1)=min(X(k,:,:)) and W(k,1,1)=X(K,I(k,1,1)

, Benchmarking mtimes(X,Y) with X a 3-by-4 matrix and Y a N-by-4-by-5 amat object LN =10^5*, vol.49

, fc_amat . benchs . mtimes ( LN , ' ltype ' , ' mat

, When running this function the d and n value are fixed, the number N varies and it is given by a list of values LN, B is either a N-by-d-by-n amat object or a d-by-n matrix

, B) command where A is a N-by-2-by-2 regular triangular upper amat object and B is a N-by-2-by-1 amat object for all N in LN . So, by default d=2 and n=1, Description fc_amat.benchs.solvetriu(LN) runs a benchmark of the X=solvetriu

, Optional key/value pairs arguments are available and can modify inputs of the solvetriu function

, ? 'rhstype' , to set the kind of B : 'amat' (default) for amat object and 'mat' for matrix

, ? 'class' , to set classname of the two inputs. Value can be 'double' (default) or 'single

. ?-'complex,

, to set the lower bound of the interval of the uniform distribution used to generate input data

, ? 'b' , to set b the upper bound of the interval of the uniform distribution used to generate input data

, In Listings 61 and 62 two examples with outputs are provided

, B)) with A a N-by-4-by-4 matrix amat object and B a N-by-4-by-5 matrix amat object. Syntaxe fc_amat . benchs . mldivide ( LN ) fc_amat . benchs . mldivide ( LN , key , value, Benchmarking X=solvetriu, vol.61

, B) command where A is a Nby-2-by-2 regular triangular upper amat object and B is a N-by-2-by-1 amat object for all N in LN . So, by default d=2 and n=1, Description fc_amat.benchs.mldivide(LN) runs a benchmark of the X=mldivide

,. Ln, Optional key/value pairs arguments are available and can modify inputs of the mldivide function

, ? 'rhstype' , to set the kind of B : 'amat' (default) for amat object and 'mat' for matrix

, ? 'class' , to set classname of the two inputs. Value can be 'double' (default) or 'single

. ?-'complex,

, to set the lower bound of the interval of the uniform distribution used to generate input datas

, ? 'b' , to set b the upper bound of the interval of the uniform distribution used to generate input datas

, In Listings 64 and 65 two examples with outputs are provided

, Benchmarking X=mldivide(A,B) with A a N-by-4-by-4 matrix amat object and B a N-by-4-by-5 matrix amat object, Listing, vol.64

F. Cuvelier, fc-bench: Matlab toolbox for benckmarking