. ??-id-iscuss, Interracial Queer Relations" at morel ength in my Out in Africa

C. ??-ann, An Archive of Feelings.Trauma, Sexuality and Lesbian Public Cultures (Durham

. ??-cf and . Swaraj-raj, Problematics of TheorizingD iaspora and SituatingD iaspora Literature, Contemporary Diasporic Literature:Writing History, Culture, Self

R. ??-see and . Cohen, Global Diasporas: An Introduction

W. Safran, Diasporas in Modern Societies: Myths of Homeland and Return, Diaspora: AJournal of Transnational Studies ?.? (????): ?????

. K-hachigt-Ölölyan, RethinkingD iaspora

, Stateless Power in the Transnational Moment, Diaspora: AJ ournal of Transnational Studies ?.? (????): ????

N. Vanhear, New Diasporas:The MassExodus, Dispersal, and Regrouping of MigrantC ommunities (Seattle: Uo fW ashington P, ????)

, Shared Pleasures and Strange Elisions

;. ??-james-clifford, ?. ???????, . ??-bessie, and . Head, Diasporas, AWoman Alone: Autobiographical Writings

. ??-lloydw-esley-brown, GreenwoodP ,????): ??? ????. Replacet he spectrum of EverythingIwas and replacei t with as ingle identity. Gay.?¹

L. Al-ittle, is, however,written from ad iasporic location, post-apartheid South Africa, and is aplea for the revelation of her "gayness" to her parents to be postponedw hile she waits "al ittle longer

M. ??-kagure, AL ittle Longer: AP leaf or Full Existence